Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir


MFA exhibition Reflections In Spatial Conversation

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MFA exhibition Reflections In Spatial Conversation opening 5 November


We are all slightly out of balance in different ways and are trying to understand our world better by having a certain system of working. We are used to categorizing and organizing things in our surrounding in order to make everything more clear and approachable. The grid is the support we use in many ways and many materials, everything from a metal grid to strengthen the concrete to math books and those for mapping and situating us on earth. It´s a tool we can use to try to keep within a certain frame.

Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir’s MFA exhibition Reflections In Spatial Conversation can be experienced as a system within a system as a network connecting through supportive grids, a spatial relationship between combined fragments from diverse systems in a conversation, from personal to general.

— My process involves observing, finding material, sketching, drawing, edging, experimenting, and combining objects and materials. All those fragments are important parts of the development. I recently started emphasising the process, observing, testing my reflection in the material. Each material has it´s body, character and mood. The materials, their arrangement and shape create a dialog. A note in my sketch book inspired me to this exhibition:

“I can feel my heartbeat in my throat and stomach. I feel the circulation in my veins, pumping and pulling blood from one place to the other. I sit in a silent room but I can hear the water in the walls around me, someone is using the sink. The light bulb has a soft but high pitch screechy sound. Everything is in it´s own process, it´s own rhythm and movement. It feels like they are having a conversation.”



Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir (b. 1982) graduated from the visual art department of the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2007, from the art education department in 2009 and is currently in the Master’s programme of Fine Art at Konstfack. She has participated in, curated, initiated and organised numerous exhibitions both domestically and internationally.


Opening Wednesday 5 November, 5pm–8pm, in Vita Havet, Konstfack, LM Ericssons väg 14, Telefonplan. The exhibition is open 5–14 November. Welcome!

Opening hours: 9–18 weekdays, 12–16 weekend

For more info and pictures: www.harpakjartans.com and/or harpakjartans@gmail.com


: http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/konstfack/news/konstfack-student-harpa-doegg-kjartansdottir-on-controlled-spatial-mood-swings-96939

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“Pulsations” @ Bergman Berglind, Luxembourg

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My next solo exhibition, Pulsations, opens on the 12th of December 2012 in Bergman Berglind Contemporary Art Gallery in Luxembourg.

A new artist catalogue of my work will be published and available at the opening.

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MYNDBREYTING – Gallerí Ágúst 5 ára

Anna Hallin

Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir

Valgerður Guðlaugsdóttir

Laugardaginn 18. ágúst mun Gallerí Ágúst fagna 5 ára starfsafmæli sínu. Í tilefni af þessum áfanga hefur verið sett upp óvenjuleg sýning í galleríinu sem er sérstaklega unnin fyrir rými gallerísins.  Þrjár listakonur hafa unnið verk sín beint á veggi gallerísins og verðaveggmyndirnar myndaðar og prentaðar í takmörkuðu upplagi. Veggspjöldin verða númeruð og undirrituð af hverjum listamanni. Listakonurnar eru ólíkar og nálgast verkefnið hver á sinn hátt en þær eru Anna Hallin, Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir og Valgerður Guðlaugsdóttir. Þetta einstaka verkefni markar mikilvæg tímamót hjá galleríinu og vonum við að þú getir fagnað með okkur á laugardaginn.


TRANSFIGURATION – 5 anniversary of Gallery Agust

Anna Hallin / Harpa Dögg Kjartansdottir / Valgerdur Gudlaugsdottir


On Saturday the 18th of August Gallery Agust will celebrate its 5th anniversary. For this occasion an unusual exhibition will be presented were three artists create unique artwork directly on the gallery’s walls. The murals will be photographed and printed in limited editions. The posters will be numbered and signed by each artist.  The artists, Anna Hallin, Harpa Dögg Kjartansdottir and Valgerdur Gudlaugsdottir are diverse and address the project with their unique approach and technique. This project marks an important milestone for the gallery and we hope you can join us and celebrate with us on Saturday.


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Gallerí Ágúst

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Morgunblaðið 2.apríl 2011


Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir og Ragnhildur Jóhanns

2. apríl – 7. maí 2011

Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir og Ragnhildur Jóhanns munu leiða saman verk sín á sýningunni TILBÚNINGUR sem opnar í Gallerí Ágúst laugardaginn 2. apríl. Leika þær sér báðar með tvívídd og þrívídd og nota gjarnan fundið efni í myndverkum sínum. Sýningin TILBÚNINGUR samanstendur af málverkum, klippimyndum, prentum og  myndljóðum.  Harpa Dögg útskrifaðist úr Listaháskóla Íslands árið 2007 en Ragnhildur árið 2010.

Verið velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar laugardaginn 2.apríl kl. 16.00


Fréttablaðið 16.apríl 2011


Harpa Dögg Kjartansdóttir and Ragnhildur Johanns

2. April – 7. May 2011

On Saturday the 2nd of April the exhibition FABRICATION opens in Gallery Agust, presenting the work of Harpa Dögg Kjartansdottir and Ragnhildur Johanns.  FABRICATION consists of collage, paintings, prints and sculptural poems. They both play with two-dimensional and three-dimensional material and often use found objects in their work. Harpa Dogg graduated from The Icelandic Academy of the Arts in 2007 and Ragnhildur in 2010.

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition on  Saturday the 2nd of April at 4 pm.


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Supermarket 2011

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Stockholm November 16, 2010

Harpa Kjartansdóttir
Hulda Rós Gudnadóttir
Helena Hans
Eva Ísleifsdóttir
Tina Schott
Laura Arena

Björk Viggósdóttir
DÍÓNÝSÍA residency participates in the non-profit art project SUPERMARKET 2011 – the
international artist-run art fair in Stockholm 17–20 February 2011.
For the second year in a row SUPERMARKET 2011 will take place at Kulturhuset in Stockholm.


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Gallery Crymo

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Gallery Crymo at Laugarvegur 41a, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Crymo is an artist run and non-profit gallery in downtown Reykjavík. The gallery opened on the 17th of June 2009 with a group exhibition displaying work by 30 young artists.

Some of my work is at Gallery Crymo

Gallery Crymo


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Það eru nokkrar myndir eftir mig í versuninni Mýrin, í Kringlunni / There are some of my work in Mýrin, in Kringlan, Reykjavík.

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